Gardening is a combination of three
things: materials, technique and information. The materials are the
structures we build and the plants we use to make a garden, while
technique is how ideas and materials are brought together to create a
garden. Information in gardening is both inspiration and science,
brought together to guide the hand of the gardener.
Take someone who knows nothing at all
about gardening; deliver a whole truckload of plants and they might
have a stab at 'doing something' with them. Give them information and
technique and they are able to create a garden. Communication is key
to transferring knowledge from one gardener to another. Working on a
nursery I have to communicate a lot with customers, some of whom are
experts needing a little specific information while others are novice
gardeners who seek the knowledge and confidence to achieve what they
want, whether it be the conquering of a trouble spot in their garden
or wanting to know how to grow a plant that's caught their eye.
Without communication everybody is left floundering.
How communication is achieved can vary;
information is everywhere, in books, in magazines, on the internet
(including the blog that you're reading!), on the radio and on the
TV. To be entirely honest I think we're almost at the point of being
overloaded with information, some of it good, some of it...
dubious. Several times now I've had customers ring and ask about
things because their books disagree on a topic, or they've spent an
hour wading through website after website looking for advice relevant
to their problem but to no avail; in the end they'd like to speak
to someone and get a hopefully definitive and specific answer to
their question. This is why BBC Radio 4's Gardener's Question Time is
still going strong despite the strong presence of the internet and
freely available information- people don't want to know if a plant is
hardy, they want to know if it's hardy in their area, for
example. An opportunity to ask an expert is an opportunity not to be
Nice plant, but how do I grow it? |
Technology plays a key part in
gardening, as it always has done. Today's technology allows free and
ready transfer of information from one person to another, and this
means that today's gardeners can ask their question easily and know
that someone, somewhere, knows the answer- the trick is just to find
that someone. Twitter can seem daunting to anyone over the age of 12
(the average age of a Justin Bieber fan, and believe me there's
enough of them on Twitter) but is actually a digital platform for an
enormous number of gardeners from around the world. In Monty Don's
article in Gardener's World Magazine he says (so I'm told, I've heard
about his article but I'm not rushing out to buy a copy of the
magazine just to read it) that there aren't any gardeners on Twitter
because gardeners are over 50 and don't really understand technology.
Let's tackle ages first- I'm not over
50 and I've been gardening for many years, and I am (I believe)
fairly good at it. The horticulture industry employs plenty of people
under 50, many of whom are experts in their field. Many of my
customers at work are under 50, and many of them are accomplished
gardeners. There is also an ever increasing number of people in their
late 20s and early 30s who are gardening for the first time, often
when they move into their first house.
One of the great appeals about
gardening is that it is not exclusive; you can be a gardener in a window box or a huge estate, you can be rich or poor, upper class or
working class, male or female, young or old.
Technology is a simple matter... if you
engage someone with a technology they will learn to use it. Before
the invention of hormone rooting powders nurseries used all sorts of
ways to propagate plants, and when the powder arrived it brought new
techniques that needed to be embraced. These new techniques are
fairly ordinary now, and in fact it is the old techniques of grafting
and layering that is a mystery to many gardeners! Likewise technology
doesn't differentiate between age groups; if you are nine or 90 you
might need to be shown the basics of a technology, and once you've
got the basics you are on your way. Likewise if you're a gardener
tempted by Twitter sign up, go to the 'search' box and search for
whatever topics interest you, find the people you share interests in
common with and before you know it you've joined a community of
It's as easy as sowing seeds.