First a little history; the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens (SHHG) was begun in 1953 when Sir Harold Hillier bought Jermyn's House near Romsey to house what he hoped would be the most comprehensive woody plant collection possible. In 1977 the garden was transferred to a charitable trust run by Hampshire County Council and is now revered the world over. The collection is still being added to, and is now 180 acres in total!
After the mildest winter on record gardens are a little confused, and the SHHG is no exception. Nonetheless spring was in full swing, with flowers, catkins and unfurling leaves everywhere. Here I will share some of my highlights...
Lonicera tatarica 'Arnold Red' |
Chaenomeles speciosa 'Coccinea' growing as a free-standing shrub. |
Deliciously scented Viburnum x juddii |
Azara serrata coming into flower |
Cornus nuttalii 'Portlemouth' |
Corylopsis glabrescens |
Phyllostachys nigra 'Boryana' |
Magnolia 'Heaven Scent' |
Lithocarpus sp KR4030 |
Staphylea x coulombieri |
Rhododendron canadense |
Sorbus caloneura PW15 |
Matteuccia struthiopteris- the 'Shuttlecock Fern' |
Rhododendron quinquefolium |
A huge Camellia 'Winton'! |
Camellia 'Winton' |
Carpinus x schuschaensis |
Sophora 'Sun King' |
Prunus laurocerasus 'Cameliifolia'- UGLY! |
Taiwania cryptomerioides |
Sorbus insignis KW7746 |
Magnolia 'Sayonara' |
Prunus padus, a British native |
Betula albosinensis 'Bowling Green' as seen on the cover of the Hillier Manual! |
Helleborus 'Hillier Hybrids' |
A general view of the arboretum |
Photinia serratifolia 'Marwood Hill' |
Quercus glauca ETE161 |
Magnolia avenue |
Near the heather garden |
Euphorbia polychroma 'Golden Fusion' |
Maytenus boaria |
Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Morioka Weeping' |
Pseudopanax ferox showing mature foliage |
Sequoia sempervirens 'Cantab' |
Rubus spectabilis 'Olympic Double' flowering a little earlier than mine |
Lysichiton americana |
Rubus henryi spp. sozotylus |
Lomatia dentata- needs researching at some point! |
Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Anne Russell' |
Rhododendron racemosum |
Jermyn's House |
Rhododendron 'Shilsonii' |
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Filiformis' |
Buxus wallichiana |
Malus 'Katherine' |
Ribes x beatonii |
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