The question of how to encourage people
to get gardening has been around for decades. There was a time when
maintaining a garden (even if it was just a lawn with an island bed,
or a lawn surrounded by thin borders) was just another part of life.
Nowadays gardening is just another thing that competes for people's
time, with competition from shopping (including the modern phenomenon
of 'recreational shopping'), watching sport on TV, socialising and
many other things that people do with their time. Pottering about in
the garden has become something only dedicated hobbyist gardeners do
in their spare time, not a national pastime. Furthermore, with people
trying to cram more and more into their own time, gardening has
become for many a chore that needs doing before they can go and do
something they want to do.
As it became clear that homeowners were
increasingly seeing gardening as a chore, the horticultural industry
invented a new concept; the garden makeover. The most iconic
gardening makeover programme was Ground Force. Each week Alan
Titchmarsh, Charlie Dimmock and Tommy Walsh would be invited into
someone's garden while a family member was away, would 'do' the
garden and then hide behind a door or gate and watch while the owner
of the new garden was surprised. Each garden would comprise of a
wooden decked area, a water feature, usually a black bamboo... it now
looks terribly quaint, but back then it was cutting edge. There were
tears, cheers and usually glasses of something raised, and a tidy new
The success of Ground Force was clear;
the idea that gardens could be made quickly and, so the TV told us,
easily sent people flocking to garden centres and nurseries. Black
bamboos (usually Phyllostachys nigra) went from being niche plants to
mainstream hits overnight, and often demand far exceeded supply. The
Ground Force show ran from 1997 to 2005 and for much of that time it
created a boom in gardening sales. The problem was that Ground Force
taught 'instant gratification gardening', where mature plants were
put in and everything was completed quickly. Consumers started to
realise how much this actually cost, and that it was out of the reach
of many of the Ground Force viewers. Also people realised that while
the garden could be built in a few days (or half an hour on TV!),
there was an ongoing maintenance issue; gardens just don't stand
still. Weed suppressing fabric was great, but weeds started to grow
in whatever was on top, water features needed maintenance, ponds went
green, plants that were bought big then got bigger, and the instant
gratification of a made-over garden became a burden. The hoards of
gardeners at garden centres and nurseries started to disappear, and
many of those businesses that had invested off the back of the
gardening revolution suddenly found themselves on hard times.
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Definitely NOT a makeover garden! (Killerton NT) |
Gardening has continued to be popular,
but has really returned to the pre-makeover days. People are still
buying plants and creating wonderful gardens, but the horticultural
industry has shrunk back to a lower (but hopefully more sustainable)
The 'Grow Your Own' revolution has
taken the UK by storm. Although I don't doubt that part of the
revolution was born from scaremongering about food, there is now a
healthy community of people who are growing much of their food
themselves. The 'GYO' revolution has brought organic techniques and
sustainability to the top of people's agendas, even having an effect
on the mass production of food for supermarkets. Never before has
growing your own food been more accessible, with allotments enjoying
a resurgence of interest and community gardening becoming
increasingly popular.
There is however a quiet crisis coming.
You'd be hard pushed to notice given how popular growing your own
food has become, but gardening isn't actually solely about putting
food on your plate. While fresh produce is the hot new thing,
ornamental plants are suffering as they are ignored. In nurseries and
garden centres you will find a wealth of beautiful flowers and
foliage, but apart from the new 'buzz plants' that are released most
plants just don't seem to get people's attention any more- there just
isn't a thirst to grow ornamental plants. There will be many reasons
for this, but I would point my finger at the success of 'GYO',
increased media coverage about the threats to pollinators and native
plants (even though a garden with a diverse range of flowers will
attract pollinators anyway), and the lack of inspiration from the
GYO will always be popular |
I don't begrudge the GYO movement its
success, far from it. I am, however, mindful that it won't appeal to
everyone, and that the people who aren't excited by the idea of
lifting a crop of fresh potatoes from the ground might actually be
interested in planting an ornamental garden that reflects their
personality. The media (TV, radio and printed) will follow whatever
will get them the most viewers, listeners or readers. The media game
is not a fair one; balance plays second fiddle to numbers, so popular
content about growing food or growing wildflowers will usually take
priority over ornamental plants. Wherever consumers go, the media
will follow.
This causes a bit of a problem for
those producing ornamental plants. The plants are there and ready to
go, but the customers are becoming harder and harder to find. Some
companies do well by creating their own niche, thinking for example
of Thomson and Morgan for their range of seeds, plugs and new plants.
Many nurseries and garden centres are finding it more and more
difficult to cope as time goes on, and are at a loss to find ways to
bring people in.
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Fuchsia 'Beacon' |
New facilities, such as cafes, are seen
as a must-have accessory by business advisors. We all love a nice cup
of tea and something to eat when we go out, but the costs of building
a cafe are often more than smaller businesses can afford. Without the
cafe they supposedly can't attract new customers, and without the new
customers they can't afford the cafe! Whatever ideas businesses come
up with to encourage customers to visit and buy more, these are often
temporary solutions. Sooner or later the novelty of 'club offers',
late night opening, advisory sessions etc. just wears off. Yet while
retailers have sleepless nights wondering how to boost business there
is a sector of the market that is largely untapped!
As I said earlier in this article,
there has been an excellent push to get kids gardening in schools.
Whilst I am dubious over whether or not pond dipping and growing
runner beans will have any meaningful long-term effect on the image
of gardening as a hobby and profession, at least something is being
done; exposing children to the fact that gardens exist and that
gardening isn't just about hard work cannot be a bad thing. At the
other end of the scale are the older generation gardeners* who are
already growing plants but on the whole aren't making new gardens, so
tend to buy one or two plants to fill gaps (or just because they feel
like it!).
In between you have two groups, the
18-30 group and the 30-45 group. The 18-30 group are a difficult lot
to cater for; although they might already have an interest in
gardening (hopefully at least partly thanks to gardening at school),
university and the process of finding work means that they will
likely end up in rented accommodation. There is no reason to believe
that this group wouldn't appreciate a nice garden, but they are
unlikely to own a house of their own and won't want to spend large
amounts of money on a garden that they will one day leave behind. The
30-45 group will statistically be more likely to have their own house
and will be more interested in putting their identity on the house
and garden.
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This corner at The Veddw could inspire anyone, regardless of age |
Appealing to the 30-45 group is crucial
if nurseries and garden centres are to survive. Don't get me wrong,
focus on the 30-45 group at the expense of your existing customers
and a business will collapse anyway, but enthusing the 30-45 year
olds to take up gardening will open up a new niche. So what can we
do? I think my potted history of Ground Force shows that I don't
think a return to makeover gardening will have anything more than a
fleeting benefit. Similarly a focus on one particular element of
gardening might put off people who aren't interested in that subject
from gardening as a whole. Diversity is key; people between the ages
of 30 and 45 will be as diverse in their tastes, aspirations and
ideas as any other group. They will likely be fairly well informed
about the world around them, and be perfectly able to see when
they're being patronised. These are the people who have been raised
with access to information freely online, so to try to simplify
gardening down to easy chunks could cause a negative effect if the
new consumers discover, as they do their own research, that they're
being patronised. No, I think that the horticultural industry will
win these consumers over with respect. If I was involved in any
campaign to encourage this age group to get gardening I would push
hard for the following:
- inspiration- show your market what they can achieve.
- knowledge- present information that is easy to follow but isn't over simplified and patronising.
- presentation- tastes will differ in this group, and tastes in presentation techniques as much as plants and gardens! It's absurd to assume any taste will be universal in this group as much as any other group- people in their 20s don't automatically like thumping dance music, people in their 60s don't all like classical music!
- diversity- this group, like all other age groups, is made up of people who have different tastes, viewpoints and ideas. To assume that this age group will be attracted to one particular gardening style is just ridiculous.
Gardeners already know why they garden,
what they get out of it. We all have our interests and niches, and
the key to success with a new market is to help them find theirs
rather than force our ideas onto them.
New ideas |
I fear that the challenge of
encouraging new gardeners falls on those of us already involved,
professionally or not, in horticulture. The media has no interest in
changing the status quo of the gardening world, as can be seen with
gardening shows like Gardener's World. Gardener's World won't ever
get back to its glory days; it's a show that exists for its own
purpose rather than that of any greater good. People will still watch
it, but will continue to do so for its “lovely” presenters and
its gentle pace, rather than because it challenges its audience,
inspires or brings in new ideas.
The momentum for change will come from
*I know, being over 45 doesn't make you
old in any way!
It's the same in North America, and I agree with much of what you write. Introducing children to the joys of gardening, and by extension, the natural world, hopefully will develop a sense of connectedness with plants that will stay with them and flourish when they have their own patch (or patio) to garden. The 'densification' of cities is also a factor, as for example in Vancouver Canada where I am, many younger people are in smaller places or apartments, so the ability to garden is limited. I think alpine plants in containers and troughs may be a way to draw the millennials, but hard to say. As you say, it is up to us in the horticultural community to share our passion for gardening and hope it's contagious. Workshops and classes on various aspects of gardening also will help I believe : )