If you visit a garden centre you will
often be dazzled by the choice, particularly in spring when the sales
benches are packed with fabulous plants all ready to take their place
in your garden. Sometimes a plant range is so big and so diverse that
it all becomes a bit daunting; working your way through the A-Z
benches of a big garden centre can turn into an endurance test while
you look for plants suitable for your garden and needs. New gardeners
can find it hard to believe that there are more garden plants
actually out there, but the garden centre range is the tip of a very
large iceberg.
To be successful in a garden centre, a
plant must meet certain criteria. Firstly it must perform really
well. Most garden centre customers, and indeed more 'casual'
gardeners, are looking for performance; the ideal plant will look
great for as long as possible, flower for as many weeks or even
months as possible, and won't grow too big or too open. The second of
the criteria is ease of propagation; large retailers and chain stores
will buy extraordinary numbers of plants to stock their shelves, so
plants must be easy to propagate and mass produce either from
cuttings or from tissue culture (micropropagation). Plants that don't
meet these two main criteria won't feature in most garden centres.
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Coming to a garden centre near you... never! Dionysia 'Gerben' |
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Geranium 'Rozanne' has been a very successful introduction! |
An enormous number of garden plants
will never be mass produced because they either don't meet the
criteria set by the big producers or because they haven't been
spotted by a keen-eyed product developer. Many of these plants are
propagated and sold by smaller wholesale or retail nurseries,
businesses that produce smaller batches of a wider range of plants.
Most nurseries propagate their niche plants themselves, dividing
perennials and taking cuttings the traditional way. Although this
limits the numbers of many plants, it does at least keep a broader
range available for the discerning gardener.
So why would a gardener want a plant
that doesn't 'perform' as well as more modern varieties? It's a
matter of how you garden. For some a garden filled with a succession
of traditional cottage garden plants is perfection itself, while for
others a diverse range of foliage is better. For more experienced
gardeners it's often a case of quality over quantity when it comes to
flowering season. Certainly for me there is a great sense of
anticipation in waiting for a plant that only flowers for a short
period and, to be honest, although I'm often sad to see the last
flower on a treasured plant fade, I think that a precious plant which
doesn't flower for very long makes you appreciate each flower more.
Nonetheless, this is a view that isn't shared by people breeding and
growing massive numbers of plants for the garden centre trade!
Some plants are easy to grow and
propagate but remain rare simply because they're not known. I've
taken many a gamble on the word of an enthusiastic nursery owner or
gardener, and rarely has it not paid off. The RHS Plant Finder lists
thousands upon thousands of plants and nobody can know them all.
Hidden on nurseries all around the UK are hundreds if not thousands
of obscure plants that deserve to be better known. For the keen
gardener stumbling onto one of these plants is a source of real
excitement, a chance to enhance the garden and grow something new.
There is always an element of risk trying something new, but
providing we can get good advice from our nurseries we should be
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Easy but unknown; Trochodendron arailioides. |
Being entirely honest here, some plants
are rare because they're rubbish! Old varieties so susceptible to
disease that they can only be kept alive with frequent chemical
intervention, fruit varieties with unreliable and insipid fruits,
plants that have always been weak and hopeless... not every rare
plant is an opportunity to grow something new and exciting! There is
a nostalgia around old varieties that, although great for raising
interest in conserving garden plants, is keeping some plants going
that shouldn't be kept. I made the mistake early on in my love affair
with rare and unusual plants of buying plants without evaluating them
properly and bought some awful plants that died pretty quickly! If
you have a passion for keeping old varieties going at any cost then
good on you, but the rest of us need to evaluate plants before they
come into our collections, simply to avoid disappointment.
I think to a degree everyone has a
slightly different take on why they collect rare and unusual plants.
Certainly the universal factor is the desire to do something
different in the garden, to grow plants that aren't the same as the
ones everyone else grows. I think once you get past the desire to be
different people factor in things such as an interest in historical
plants, interest in plants from certain parts of the world, interest
in botany, a love of plants with certain uses (there are people who
collect plants that were used to make dyes, and others that collect
traditional English herbs), and an interest in a particular genus or
plant family. There is nearly always a sense of the importance of
conserving rare and unusual plants, and the sense that we are doing
our bit for their survival if only by growing them in our gardens.
Whatever the reasons, people who
collect and grow rare plants get extraordinary amounts of pleasure
from their gardening. Yes there are bad traits around; some people
use their knowledge of plants to belittle others, while others will
steal plants or buy stolen plants. Most of the rare plant circles are
a mixing pot of friendly eccentricity. Get enthusiasts of rare and
unusual plants together and they will happily chat away about their
collections, giving each other tip-offs about cultivation techniques
or plants to look after. I have met a few rather unpleasant
characters in rare plant circles over the years, but they have always
been a very small minority.
I've said about the sense of excitement
that's felt by most people who grow rare plants. We live lives of
perpetual delight and anguish; delight when something special is
growing rather well, and anguish when something is struggling or
facing damage from the weather (think Magnolias and frost here!).
This emotional tie with plants seems very odd to non-gardeners or
people who are new into gardening, but we are curators of living
collections, and we do care about plants more than most people do.
This question of what to grow should
be straightforward; surely just grow what you like? In reality we all
face issues of climate, space, money (usually a troublesome issue for
plant enthusiasts!) and practicality.
Climate is a bit of a sod with unusual
plants as so many of the unusual plants we all love come from areas
with different climates to our own. Take, for example, Meconopsis.
Most of the Meconopsis species we admire are from a much narrower
temperature band than ours in the UK. Typically winters aren't very
cold (or snowfall protects them from damage from the cold) and the
summers don't get too warm. The winter temperatures can be controlled
with careful protection, but summer temperatures can be more tricky.
Most Meconopsis start to cook above about 20C, so a cool moist soil
in shade with good air flow is needed in most areas. Add this to
the fact that they resent disturbance, won't tolerate soils that get
too wet or too dry, and some can be monocarpic (flower once and then
die, like an annual or biennial but not necessarily in their first or
second year from seed) and you've got a plant that sounds like a real
swine to grow. They are real swines to grow, and this is why
gardeners who persevere with them and grow them successfully deserve
Not all plants have to be difficult,
but many are. In my experience the pitfalls can come from not
realising that certain species might be tender even though the rest
of the genus is hardy, such as Hydrangea or Rhododendron. I've lost
plants because I've not realised the subtle nuances of their
cultivation, and these have in some cases been expensive mistakes.
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Worth a sheltered spot; Rhododendron johnstoneanum. |
There are ways around certain problems.
Obviously cold and wet weather will warrant a greenhouse or
polytunnel for your collection, and extra water needed might require
an irrigation system. Growing things in the wrong soil type is
usually the biggest challenge that faces collectors of unusual
plants. Usually the problems come when soils are too heavy, but also
pH is a big issue if you want to grow ericaceous (acid loving
plants). Through necessity I grow all of my plants in containers, but
this has given me the advantage of a nearly infinite range of soil
types I can make. For my Hostas and Rodgersias the mix is John Innes
#3 with multipurpose compost and perlite, while my choice woodlanders
live together in big troughs with a mix of composted bark (NOT bark
chips) and perlite. Other plants just get multipurpose compost with
some perlite for air and drainage. By choosing pots that are fairly
deep I get the best drainage I can (remember that shallow pots don't
drain as well as deep pots), and the open mix in my troughs
replicates the conditions of a forest floor, or at least as close as
I can get it. The results have been great; the big Hostas and
Rodgersias do well in their bulky mix, while the woodlanders (such as
Trilliums) have a nice easy mix to bulk up into. I do have to keep an
eye on watering in dry weather, but that's not a bad thing given that
it's easier to add water than take it away!
A serious collector with more space
might well be advised to make their own raised bed(s) for their more
demanding plants. Providing you provide the best depth possible and
make your growing medium from the best mix of ingredients you should
be OK. As a serious plant collector you want to avoid certain
practices, such as adding things to alkaline soils to dry and make it
better for acid loving plants. Know your limits; if your soil is
wrong and you can't make a decent raised bed then you will likely be
heading for trouble.
Of course you might be lucky and have
the perfect conditions for what you want to grow, in which case get
planting! Be careful to keep plants in your collection defined when
you plant them, particularly if you collect a specific genus such as
Crocosmia. It's tempting to go for a nice drift that shows your
collection off in a more natural looking setting, but trust me you
will regret it! Even if you've become somewhat expert in identifying
your plants in flower, could you still recognise them all out of
season? I know from my experience growing Camellias commercially that
even a fairly diverse group can look very similar out of flower, and
it's usually when a plant is out of flower that you need to grab a
cutting, division or plant for someone. Take care in labeling your
collection, it really is worth the effort, even if you know all your
plants really well!
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Distinctive enough in flower; Camellia 'Dewatairin' |
Sadly you will encounter other problems
when you grow rare and unusual plants. The first is getting hold of
your plants in the first place. There are some fantastic nurseries in
the UK but they do tend to be hidden away in rural areas and might
not be practical to visit. Don't get me wrong, if the plant you want
is definitely in stock and the nursery looks interesting then take a
day trip to visit- there's always the chance that you will see
something else you like the look of...! Most nurseries offer a mail
order service and have websites you can browse, but there is the
issue of cost. Sorry, but many rare and unusual plants are expensive.
It's hard to tear yourself from a plant you love but can't afford or
justify but sometimes it has to be done. Nurserymen don't charge more
for rare plants so they can afford to live a life of luxury (usually
quite the opposite!), but higher prices often reflect the extra costs
of propagating and growing a particular plant. This isn't great news
if you, like me, are on a budget, but I'm afraid it's how things are.
The more obscure the plant you want the
more you will have to hunt for it. To be honest I think there is a
thrill to be had in tracking down a plant that you want, especially
if it's not listed in the RHS Plant Finder! Looking at websites,
emailing people and generally asking around usually throws up leads
or results, but collecting obscure plants teaches patience. The
anticipation between finding your plant and it arriving in the post
can be unbearable!
There is an important skill that plant
enthusiasts have to hone; plantsmanship. Being a plantsman/plantswoman
isn't about going out and buying everything that has a different
name, it's not 'stamp collecting' with plants. Plantsmanship is the
ability to evaluate a plant according to its characteristics and
requirements. Attempts are occasionally made to teach it but I think
it's fair that it comes with experience. It is worth getting into the
habit of evaluating plants; if you're faced with two comparable
plants could you decide which one is best to have? Once you get into
the habit you will start to evaluate plants with ease- which has the
better scent, the nicer (not necessarily biggest) flowers, the best
foliage, is this plant too similar to one you have already. This
technique will help you develop a broad and interesting plant
collection and will hopefully save you money by helping you choose
plants more wisely.
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I think Viburnum 'Mohawk' is one of the best scented shrubs around. |
For the die-hard plant enthusiast the
rewards are incredible. While other people have gardens with
overgrown lawns, kids toys and a few scruffy plants, to be able to
enjoy your own collection of plants that you enjoy is its own reward.
'Planty' circles are usually great fun to be in, and being able to
use your own knowledge and experience to contribute to plant
discussions is a great thing. So much of being a plant enthusiast is
about sharing knowledge (and often plants too!), so if you're really
passionate about plants you will find your knowledge and interest
will grow and grow.
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